Thursday, March 09, 2006

I write for fun, and yes, now I write for money…

A few weeks ago I wrote an open letter to the American Airlines customer relations desk. I posted it on my blog and mailed them a copy. I wrote it for two reasons—it made for a good story and, frankly, the airline needed to know that it had a problem.

Since I made the contents of my letter public, I thought it would be appropriate that their response should have the same opportunity.

Last Friday night I checked my mailbox around 9:15 after coming home late and was a little surprised to see a letter from American Airlines waiting for me. As I walked down the hallway to my apartment I thought of various plot lines that the response would have. “Dear sir, American Airlines cannot be held responsible for providing adequate customer service on its flights.” Or maybe, “Dear sir, We regret that your travel experience was not up to your expectations; but really sir, what can you expect in today’s cost slashing market.”

Instead, when I opened the envelope, I got two pages from a customer service rep carefully addressing each of my complaints. Several of the issues were written off as being “expectable” complications associated with all airlines and travel, but none the less they did “apologize” for my inconveniences.

The last paragraph carefully addressed what I thought to be their most egregious offense—the unacceptable service that their baggage claims employee offered when he threatened to walk out and quit when another passenger and I pressed him for help with our lost luggage. That they didn’t excuse. I wouldn’t necessarily say they condemned him for it, but they certainly didn’t condone it.

And to make that point to me…they included a $200 voucher for a future flight with American Airlines.

Maybe I could use it to buy a little packet of peanuts or two…


Blogger Katie Barker said...

you are hilarious boy!!! way to go. maybe you could have a little contest for your readers, and then give us a small cash prize.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are taking after your mother. - Dan

9:22 PM  
Blogger Tim Barker said...

Who knew corporate with a heart and head for customer service. If only American could push that service centered response to other industries like the medical industry or the car industry.

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can use that to fly to my wedding!!!!

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, use it to come visit us!!!!

7:45 PM  

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