Wednesday, April 05, 2006

An apology...

To all my blog visitors I'd like to issue an apology for my failure to update my site in a timely fashion.

To the faithful who check it on a regular basis, I am writing a multi-part story that I hope you will all enjoy--so don't lose hope...


Blogger Katie Barker said...

it's tough to wait. but i've just learned not to bother checking your site every day....

7:51 AM  
Blogger Katie Barker said...

since it's been like almost 2 months, is this thing still running? Or should I quit looking at it? (just curious)

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You bring up a very valid point--I ve done the same. Should I take this out of my bookmarks??


7:00 AM  
Blogger Katie Barker said...

Maybe we will get to hear details of the trip to DC? is that blog worthy? you know, just a few pictures, few stories, etc. . .

8:41 AM  

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