Thursday, August 03, 2006

Training for a marathon with Autumn...

The other night I went running with Autumn. It was a bit later than usual, about 8:30, and the sky was overcast with impending storms. We needed to run seven miles, so we headed north through the neighborhood towards the Coon Rapids Dam.

Our neighborhood is very nice, relatively crime free, and fairly scenic. We ran along the banks of the Mississippi River, weaving through parks and quiet residential streets to the Coon Rapids Regional Park. By the time we'd arrived there, we'd probably run 2.5 miles and it was 8:45.

The multi-purpose trail through the park is well maintained and shaded by mature trees as it meanders through a mile or two of thick forest. As we ran through the woods, it got darker and darker, spookier and spookier.

We usually take a walking rest every 2 or 3 miles, but not today. We got to our turn around point and headed for home without resting at all. It was after 9:00, very dark, very overcast, and very scary. The storm drew closer, with intermittent lightning flashing through the woods, painting everything black and white.

I usually run faster than Autumn, and run longer between breaks. Tonight she ran 6 miles straight, at a pace nearly two minutes per mile faster than normal.

Tonight I learned a valuable training lesson. When your working hard on improving your speed and distance, skip the intervals and add some dark, scary woods instead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Dude. I've been trying to find you! How's it going? What are you doing? How's Autumn? Wow, I'd love to hear from you! e-mail me.

Your long lost cycling pal,

6:34 PM  

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